Thursday, September 3, 2020

Modernity and theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Advancement and hypothesis - Essay Example All the more explicitly, the cutting edge time is commonly considered to have started at some point somewhere in the range of 1870 and 1970. Some further limit advancement to the 1910-1960 period, after which the post-current time is said to have begun. Innovation began as a predominant well known social demeanor in Western Europe during about the seventeenth century (which along these lines built up an overall impact). Innovation is portrayed by changes in the economy-the appearance of industrialism and free enterprise, with social class as the fundamental type of social division. Advancement is portrayed likewise by urbanization, or the fast birth and development of urban communities. Innovation additionally implies changes in government-the legislature is presently incorporated and, in actuality, all the more impressive (despite the fact that advancement likewise implies commonly more capacity to the individual).In advancement there is additionally an ascent when all is said in done information society turns out to be progressively normal and logical, and the reliance on religion and odd notion is less. As per Peter Berger, among the attributes of innovation are the deterioration of customary networks, the expanding of individual opportunity and decision, the broadening of convictions, and the future-arranged or progress-driven disposition of society by and large.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Franciso De Zurbaran Essays - Annunciation In Christian Art

Franciso De Zurbaran Essays - Annunciation In Christian Art Franciso De Zurbaran The Annunciation: A Painting by Francisco de Zurbaran Centerpieces can best be acknowledged when the components of plan, the standards of structure, and the iconography of the work are watched and comprehended. The Annunciation, a canvas by the Spanish craftsman Francisco de Zurbaran, is a show-stopper that joins both the components and standards of plan. The iconography of the composition is vital just as its tasteful quality. The capacity to make an image of The Annunciation in ones brain is a key factor in understanding the investigation of the work. Francisco de Zurbaran approaches the work of art with a naturalistic style. The work of art includes a room wherein a lady like holy messenger is seen at the left bowing on the ground before the Virgin Mary. The figure of Mary is put between a seat and a little wooden table hung with a green fabric. Mary dismisses an open Bible on the table, as she seems grave while gazing at the floor. Gliding over the two primary figures in the upper left half of the work of art are seraphs laying on a bed of mists. They joyfully look down at Mary with eyes from Heaven. The Annunciation utilizes components of configuration to make an outwardly satisfying picture. The visual components comprise of light, shading, surface, shape, and line. The utilization of light is one of the most apparent components in this composition. The wellspring of light isn't legitimately obvious in the composition, however shows up as a brilliant other-worldly host skimming over the two principle figures. Light stresses the light complexion of the Angel and Mary as the two of them look down towards a shadowy floor. Light additionally mirrors the open Bible on the table recommending accentuation on the sacredness of Mary. The remainder of the room remains frightfully dim and dull. Shading is utilized to cause to notice significant characters and items in the artistic creation. The red of Marys shirt stresses her place as the primary figure. A brilliant, yellow cloud coasting over the room represents the delight of the celestial figures. De Zurbaran utilizes warm hues in the frontal area. The room, utilized as the foundation for the scene, is painted in dim hues using various tints of dim and earthy colored. A spectator can likewise get a feeling of surface in this canvas. The Angel seems to have padded wings, smooth skin, and delicate hair. Window hangings that hang above Mary have a full and characterized feel to them. The green decorative spread on the little table before Mary has an inferred luxurious surface. The cloud by the seraphs has a delicate, cushion like appearance. The pervasiveness of surface backings De Zurbaran s utilization of authenticity in this work of art. Perception of the standards of configuration utilized in The Annunciation permits a more prominent gratefulness for the artistic creation. The five standards of configuration incorporate parity, accentuation and point of convergence, solidarity and assortment, extent and scale, and beat. Equalization and accentuation and point of convergence are the dominating standards utilized by Francisco de Zurbaran. The artwork shows up lopsidedly adjusted, which implies that the different sides of the image are not accurate resemblances however appear to funds receivable to comparative visual weight. The Angel on the left and Mary on the privilege are comparative in size. The two figures face towards the focal point of the image yet are isolated by a raised advance that Mary is bowing on. The ruddy pink shaded window ornament holding tight the correct side adjusts the cloud on the left side. A green scarf worn by the Angel and the green decorative spread additionally give comparative visual wei ght. An open entryway out of sight at the focal point of the room appears to make an imperceptible line down the focal point of the composition. De Zurbaran s utilization of point of convergence and accentuation is handily recognized in this artistic creation. The fundamental point of convergence is the two figures, the Virgin Mary and the Angel. This accentuation is made using light. The optional point of convergence is the saintly figures on the cloud over the Angel and Mary. The brilliance of the shading yellow points out the onlooker s them. When all is said in done, most objects of light qualities in The Annunciation have accentuation due to the

Friday, August 21, 2020

US Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

US Government - Essay Example Be that as it may, there are a great deal of contentions related with the foundation of ICC. These contentions have made a complex political nature of International claims which in the end has made considerations for cure (Carroll 21). The U.S government and the Israelis were hesitant to consent to the arrangement intended to endorse the advancement of the worldwide criminal court. This is on the grounds that the two states expected that the ICC would be a danger to their inner circumstances. For example, they expected that their warriors would be arraigned because of war wrongdoings. What's more, other state likewise considered ICC to be a danger because of the presentation of crossover methods. Be that as it may, all these policy centered issues prompted multifaceted nature in taking care of universal preliminaries (Carroll 21). The International criminal court does procedures that are confronted with a ton of issues. The first is that their preliminaries are long and costly. Be that as it may, as a worldwide network we ought to take care of this issue through utilization of Guilty requests. These are the affirmation of accountability by an individual blamed for a wrongdoing. Much of the time an investigator in the universal criminal court can be permitted to have an influence in supplication deal. For this situation, the investigator will consent to lessen discipline or accuses consequently of blameworthy supplication. This liable supplication is significant on the grounds that it helps in staying away from confounded, costly and protracted preliminaries. Furthermore, the universal criminal court will abstain from devouring assets and will help in taking care of a sizable caseload and managing complex cases (Carroll 23). The subsequent issue is that the International Criminal Court neglects to perceive the essential privileges of the charged people. So as to take care of this issue, the arrangement of methods utilized in the ICC ought to incorporate the essential privileges of the blamed people (Carroll 22). These rights incorporate assumption of honesty, the option to realize the proof utilized by the examiner, the option to stay quiet, the

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Sample Nursing Essay about Euthanasia

Sample Essay about Euthanasia Euthanasia is still a very delicate topic to discuss. People all over the world have divergent opinions on it with some supporting this practice and others opposing it. Some of these stands have no concrete facts to support them; the public always comments about it based on their personal opinions. Some of the staunch opponents of euthanasia are the religious leaders who would never accept any statement that seeks to explain the positive concept of euthanasia. An article entitled â€Å"Euthanasia Is a Bad Law by Bad People† appeared on The Sydney Morning Herald website on 1st February 2011. The article’s title is a quote from the speech of the Bishop of Parramatta, Anthony Fisher. During a mass at St Mary's Cathedral, he strongly opposed euthanasia saying that bad laws are often made by bad people and in turn make people bad (Leesha, Para 4 ). The Bishop went ahead and gave a warning to the legal fraternity that euthanasia was against the ideals of justice and charity, and thus it would corrupt the society (Leesha, Para 1). Bishop Anthony also added that even if such a proposal went ahead and gained a parliamentary majority support, it shall still not be right (Leesha, Para3). In Bishop’s sentiments, a lot of fallacies can be pointed out. For instance, when he said that ''Bad laws are usually made by bad people and in turn make people bad'', he overlooked a lot of facts for he has not done any investigation to find out if all the proponents of euthanasia are bad people or whether embracing the concept of euthanasia makes people bad. In his comments, Bishop Anthony was solely motivated by his emotions and feelings but not by any scientifically proven concept. Thus, he should have simply said that the concept is not right without referring to supporters as bad people. The Bishop also said that parliamentary support would not make euthanasia right without taking into account that parliament consists of the law makers who make laws that are right before the Constitution. He did not realize that members of the parliament are professionals in law making; hence, they cannot make laws that may hurt the citizens. The Bishop also pointed out that legalizing e uthanasia is â€Å"the killing of those who suffer by those who are okay, of the vulnerable by those in power, of the sick by those professed to heal them† (Leesha, Para 9). These opinions are full of fallacy for euthanasia is only used to those patients who willed so or those whose relatives have formally requested the procedure. In fact, the main aim of euthanasia is to relieve the dying from unnecessary pain. In response to Bishop Anthony’s utterances, a NSW Greens MP, Cate Faehrmann, said that the Bishop’s remarks were a case of an â€Å"out-of-touch commentator driven by out-of-touch ideology† (Leesha, Para 8). This sentence is a fallacy as Mr. Anthony might have been wrong or insensitive in his comments, but he may not be an out-of-touch commentator with an outdated ideology. Even if the Bishop was wrong about euthanasia, not all of his ideas may be irrelevant. In another scenario that also involves the topic of euthanasia, Dr. Kevin Fitzpatrick, an anti-euthanasia advocate, responded to a speech by Professor Etienne Vermeersch on CNN website (Kevin n.p.). From his written article, it is evident that he was irritated by the professors’ comments. Both Kevin and the Professor’s sentences are full of fallacy; for instance, Professor Etienne is quoted saying that any man without arms or legs is rather dead than living (Kevin, Para 3). This opinion is not sensible at all, because there are many people who lack various body parts but still have a normal life. The professor is speaking on their behalf without their authorization, which, as a result, gives the sense of inaccurate information. Mr. Kevin, on the other hand, shows some fallacy. He writes that the Professor said that â€Å"Disabled people, old people, adults made vulnerable by terminal illnesses inclusive of the children are being told that their lives are not worth livi ng† (Kevin, Para 1). He is putting it in a way that would imply that all the disabled, elderly, vulnerable, and children can be just euthanized without their consent, something which the Professor might have not meant.    In another article entitled â€Å"Belgium’s Parliament Votes Through Child Euthanasi† posted on British Broadcasting Corporation website on 14 February 2014, Duncan Crawford reports on Belgium’s legalization of child euthanasia and the general public’s reaction towards the new enactment. The opponents argue that children do not have the permission to take away their lives, and thus the law is not right (Duncan, Para 4). As much as it true that children cannot decide whether to die or live, it is a fallacy to say that they should be left to suffer to death even after the confirmation that their chances for survival are nil. In some instances, if those children could speak, they would request for euthanasia. As it has been observed, the same article indicates that one man in the public gallery of Belgium's parliament yelled †murderer† in French when the vote was passed (Duncan, Para 8). That statement is fallacious in nature for the speaker canno t provide any evidence to legitimize his argument. The concept of euthanasia was introduced to help both the patients and their suffering families. Therefore, it does not qualify as a murder when it is done for a medical reason and with the consent of the relatives and according to the patient’s will. Buy nursing essay about  euthanasia from professional writers !    Blog tags:Euthanasia

Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Better Relationship Between Aboriginal And Non...

Throughout this whole journey of studying AB100, the one goal I have always had was to form a better relationship between myself and those of the Aboriginal community. It wasn’t until I started studying that I realised that this is a shared goal, with organisations having the goal to promote reconciliation. The reason I want to develop a better relationship with the Aboriginal community is not because it’s something to study but more because it is something to undertake. This assessment allowed me the opportunity to do just that by discussing the problems and coming up with original concepts and actions to make a difference where I could. My actions may not be the mighty revolutionary component to creating a better relationship and respect between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community. But the point is I did something, no matter how small, I created awareness amongst the people close to me and created knowledge and relationships for myself and gained a deeper sense of respect and trust towards the Indigenous. My primary goal for this assessment alone was to create awareness and from that inspire the people I know and to break down stereotypes and discrimination to achieve the end goal of equality. Even after I finish this course it will still be important to me as throughout my life and career as a nurse I will be engaging with Aboriginals and to have the knowledge of how to engage and collaborate with them will be something to value. Not only that but also there is everyShow MoreRelatedNational Public Inquiry Of The United Federal Government And The Fist Nations949 Words   |  4 Pagesseveral missing and murdered aboriginal women, but also to take the necessary steps towards the renewal of the relationship between the Canadian Federal Government and the Fist Nations (Mas, 2015). Notably, Trudeau claimed the 2016 budget would include an increase in the funding towards aboriginal education (Mas, 2015). Past governments had imposed a strict limi t of 2% on said funds (Mas, 2015), a restriction that was undoubtedly harmful to the already dwindling aboriginal life conditions. As PerryRead MoreSteps to Improving the Socioeconomic Conditions of the Aboriginal Population in Canada1177 Words   |  5 PagesThe aboriginal people live in reserves that are rich in minerals like oil and gas. Their traditional beliefs cannot allow them to benefit from an economic venture like mining. They believe that Mother Nature should and needs to be protected. In a bid to do so, they have rules against exploitation of nature like modern mining. This puts their traditional values at odds with economical developments like mining. This leaves them in a dilapidated state as poverty kicks in (Wilson and Macdonald, 2000)Read MoreEssay1331 Words   |  6 PagesSuccessful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island pedagogy requires efficient context knowledge as well as the knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island students learning needs. The topics covered will include Indigenous placement and displacement, the impact of socio-economic status on Indigenous students and the health and wellness of Indigenous students with the focus being on whole school and classroom practices, with examples of resources, to support teaching Indigenous students. IndigenousRead MoreAcknowledgement To Country. 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Especially the impact of the Indian Act, which led so many children to suffer as they were abused physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally while attending the Residential Schools. Thus, it is important to heal the relationship and come to a point where non-NativesRead MoreThe Long Journey Undertaken By Indigenous Australians1442 Words   |  6 Pagesindigenous / white relationship as it offers numerous support systems for the indigenous, from the government. Another example of such positive steps is seen in 2008, when the then Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd made an emotional speech to apologise to the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders for the terrible suffering and heart wrenching battle they have experienced before, during and long after the Stolen Generation occurred. 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Identity is often constructed based on affiliations with particular groupsRead MoreThe Socio Economic Disadvantage Faced By Indigenous People1687 Words   |  7 Pagesremained at more than twice this level, with even higher rates reported in remote communities† (RACGP, 2013) The inequality that has been faced by Indigenous people is still at an unacceptable level, and has â€Å"been identified as a human rights concern by the United Nations† (Dick, 2007). Smoking is a major issue because, â€Å"it is the most preventable contributor to the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples† (Ivers, 2011). â€Å"Smoking contributes to 17% of the life expectancyRead MoreIndigenous Literacies And Aboriginal English1461 Words   |  6 Pagesliteracies and Aboriginal English in your classroom? It is vital for teachers to recognise indigenous literacies and aboriginal English in all classrooms as it builds a sense of equality and a non-discriminating environment. As a future teacher I believe that it is my role to create a classroom that mirrors these key factors, as it will build the foundations for a nourishing learning environment. This type of learning environment will aid in linking the students parents and the surrounding community togetherRead MoreRemote Areas Of Australia When Accessing Maternal Health Services1694 Words   |  7 PagesAboriginal Access to Maternal Services Introduction Australia is among the developed countries in the world. The provision of health care services in the country is among the best in the world. Barclay et al. (2014) note that Australia features in the top ten best countries to give birth in. However, despite the impressive health statistics, there remains a wide gap between the indigenous and non-indigenous community. Report by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reveals the rate of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effects of Energy Drinks - 1114 Words

Are Energy Drinks Safe? Whether it is a long night studying or just not ready for the day, college students choose to drink energy drinks to get full energy. These highly caffeinated drinks come with stimulating names such as Red Bull, Monster, Full Throttle, or Rockstar. Although these drinks are marketed as a healthful stimulant, consumers should be aware of the potential side effects, as they can be very harmful to one’s health. Energy drinks are beverages whose producers advertise that they â€Å"boost energy†. These advertisements usually do not emphasize energy derived from the sugar they contain, but rather increased energy is due to a variety of stimulants, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Energy drinks generally contain†¦show more content†¦Like a shock to the system, an energy drink can give your body a caffeinated jolt. According to an article in ScienceDaily, â€Å"Researchers believe the caffeine and taurine levels in energy drinks could be responsible for increases in blood pressure and heart rate† (â€Å"Energy Drinks May Be Harmful To People With Hypertension, Heart Disease†). The increase in blood pressure and heart rate is known not to rise to dangerous levels among healthy individuals under the age of 30, but it could be significant in individuals with a cardiovascular disease of those with high blood pressure. By drinking energy drinks in excess, researchers a lso say that energy drinks could lead to heart complications. Along with increased heart rate, energy drinks dehydrate the body. The caffeine in energy drinks acts as a diuretic and promotes dehydration. Energy drinks are formulated to boost energy, not to replace lost fluid during exercise like sports drinks do. During exercise, your body is constantly losing water through sweat. Also, the high amounts of caffeine stimulate urine production, which removes more water from the body. It is important for you to keep your body hydrated if you are drinking energy drinks. In addition, college students are going to extremes by mixing energy drinks and alcohol. Red Bull and vodkas and Four Lokos have become popular mixed drinks at bars because they reduce the fatigue of alcohol while enhancing the â€Å"feel good† buzz.Show MoreRelatedEnergy Drinks And Its Effects On Society1546 Words   |  7 Pagesare a lot of media coverage for energy drinks. Energy drinks are a drink intended t o boost mental energy, typically containing sugar and caffeine or other stimulants. If you look around there are commercials for energy drinks everywhere on billboards and at stores. Its hard not to be interested in something when it pops up everywhere u look. many energy drinks consist of the same ingredients the main being sugar, caffeine, B vitamins and other additives (energy drink 2012). it seems whenever you turnRead MoreThe Effect Of The Energy Drink With Taurine1542 Words   |  7 PagesThe â€Å"energy† it means that that drink gave us power to get up and do things. It energizes us so we can accomplish something. The biological definition of energy is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity Caffeine, sugars and many more provide energy by stimulating the central nervous system giving the body a sense of alertness. It can raise heart rate and blood pressure while dehydrating the body. First, from what it understand the amount of caffeine is 100-200Read MoreThe Effects Of Energy Drinks On The Human Body845 Words   |  4 PagesThe effects of energy drinks once poured in the human body Once you consume an energy drink your whole body is affected including you brain, your bloodstream, your heart, and your skin. Energy drinks are really bad for you if you drink it a lot; they say it could affect how you work out because energy drinks lead to sugar crashes. You don’t want to work out and in the middle of your work out, you get tired all of the sudden, if you drink one after you work out you would just get tired and youRead MoreEnergy Drinks and the Effects on Adolescents and Academics1121 Words   |  5 Pagescommonly consumed energy drink brands were; Rockstï‚ «r Energy Drink, Monster Energy, Red Bull Energy Drink, Redline Extreme Energy, and Amp Energy Boost Original Sugar Free. These energy drinks all have similar ingredients with varying amounts of caffeine and â€Å"blend† combinations. Caffeine Caffeine is a psychoactive drug and potentially deadly in large amounts, especially for adolescents (Hershorin, Lipschulz, Schaechter Seifert, 2011). Caffeine is one the most common energy drink ingredients andRead MoreThe Effects Of Caffeinated Energy Drinks On Athletes Essay1216 Words   |  5 PagesThis study targets the physical effect of caffeinated energy drinks on athletes in team sports, primarily the capacity of the participants to perform repeated sprints during a simulated match. Caffeine is a natural central nervous system stimulant. It is considered a drug that if is overly consumed can be dangerous for one’s body. Caffeine is a temporary energy booster that improves mood and alertness for most people, mainly athletes. It can be an eye-opener in the morning, could be drunk or eatenRead MoreThe Effects Of Soda, Sports Drinks And Energy Drinks On The Enamel Of A Persons Teeth1094 Words   |  5 Pagescontain added sugars and acid, but what effects does this sugar and acid have on our tooth enamel? Are sports drinks better for you than soda? This paper will discuss the effects of soda, sports drinks and energy drinks on the enamel of a person’s teeth, what is enamel and why is it important. Dental erosion is a chronic loss of dental hard tissue that is chemically etched away from the tooth surface by acid. Most people would believe that the sugar in drinks was the main reason for the damage to theirRead MoreThe Effects Of Energy Drink Deprivatio n On Concentration And Perseverance2374 Words   |  10 Pagesthe effects of energy drinks on two cognitive abilities- concentration and perseverance. College students were tested on both a concentration task and a perseverance task after one of three levels of energy drink and coffee intake: none, 6 hours, or 12 hours. We predicted that energy drinks would impair both concentration scores and perseverance time. Energy drinks deprivation had no significant effect on concentration scores, which is consistent with recent research on the effects of energy drinkRead MoreThe Effects Of Popular Energy Drinks On Young Adults And Teenagers1410 Words   |  6 PagesPopular energy drinks, such as Rockstar, 5-Hour Energy, and Monster are consumed by individuals, as a way to remain cognizant, as well as alert, throughout their day. Many of the people consuming these drinks are young adults and teenagers. These people are oftentimes overwhelmed and busy. The Centers for Disease Control and Pre vention website, states, â€Å"Energy drinks are beverages that typically contain caffeine, other plant-based stimulants, simple sugars, and other additives. They are very popularRead MoreEffects Of Energy Drink Consumption On All Age Groups Are Real And Impacts1613 Words   |  7 Pageslimited English sources dated 2005 to 2010, energy drinks have become more popular among teenagers and young adults (Rath, 2012).’s (2008) article â€Å"What is really in a hot dog?† provided evidence that just because the product is purchased by the public does not automatically mean it is beneficial long term (Wyrick). This new craze of energy drinks has the world consuming them at a staggering rate. The debates concerning the effects among energy drink consumption in all age groups are realRead MoreEnergy drinks mixed with alcohol: the interactive effects on risk-taking behavior, alcohol priming and related negative consequences4173 Words   |  17 Pagesï » ¿ Energy drinks mixed with alcohol: the interactive effects on risk-taking behavior, alcohol priming and related negative consequences School of Social Science SLSY100: Psychology 100 Energy drinks mixed with alcohol: the interactive effects on risk-taking behavior, alcohol consumption and related negative consequences Abstract The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between risk-taking propensity; AmED use and the effects these variables had overall

Economic Cooperation and Development - Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Economic Cooperation and Development. Answer: Introduction Subsidies are benefits offered by the government to sectors of the economy, individuals or groups. Notably, most governments have offered subsidies in a bid to revive or expand various industries in their economies. Predominantly, subsidies have impacted positively and negatively on the economy and its inhabitants. Similarly, subsidies in the Agricultural, automobile and solar and wind industry are no exception. However, the effectiveness of the subsidies is subjective to each industry. Further, reductions in subsidies have negatively affected the economy and inhabitants of individual countries. Positive Effects of subsidies in Australia Noteworthy, the Australian government has proposed availability of financial assistance to low-income farmers similar to start-up allowance to the unemployed through the Farm Household Allowance. Further, the condition for the allowance to encourage future preparedness and better farm management. This subsidy is aimed at bettering the economic livelihood of farmers and their families while securing future agricultural viability (Freebairn, 2014) Moreover, the subsidy during the drought season has created wealth redistribution among the Australian people. Consequently, farming policies have an effect on the overall population because government revenue collected through taxation is part of the subsidy expenditure. Mostly, large-scale farmers benefit more from subsidies as compared to small time farmers. Overall, the citizens of each country have to pay taxes to support government expenditure and programs (Reidl, 2007) Notably, most member countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and development have implemented car industry subsidies through subsidized credit facilities and bonuses for the purchase of new models of cars in a bid to replace the old automotive models. Further, this has encouraged the production of energy-efficient automobiles through the various subsidy packages. Notably, In Australia, the scrapping system involves tax deductions by 50% deduction for assets cost between December 2008 to 31 December 2009.Moreover,30% deduction cost on asset bought before June and July 2009. Noteworthy, the Australian Automotive industry has been boosted by the Implementation of the Automotive Transformation Scheme since the year 2008.The scheme has been incorporated to boost innovative initiates in the industry through offering financial support to research and development efforts.Further,$1.0b has been set aside to boost manufacturing and supply company operations .Also, the implementation of the growth fund by the government of Australia has helped maintain employment opportunities in Victoria. Moreover, Holden and Toyota firms have also contributed to the growth fund to stir investment and economic progress (Lee, n.d.) Also, employment subsidies, training, and equipment have been provided by the Australian government to boost worker skills and performance in the automobile industry through its employment Pathway fund thus maintaining job employment opportunities while promoting efficiency and productivity through training and better equipment in the automobile industry in Australia. Further, technological advancement has been propelled in the Australian automotive industry through the manufacturing transition program. Through government funding of $50 million. Significantly, competitiveness of Australian Automotive products has been boosted through this transition grants scheme. Also, more energy efficient automobiles were purchased during that time thereby promoting environmental sustainability and increasing government revenue at the time.Further,some OECD governments have availed loans and subsidies to car manufacturers firms directly to encourage more quality production and boost their individual revenues by reducing their production costs through loan accessibility. Noteworthy, General motors received loans and subsidies from the United States Government to reconstrure (OECD, n.d.) Moreover, the use of subsidies has encouraged research and development thus the technological advancements in the field of agriculture(Clay,2013)In addition, the availability of subsidies and grants in the automobile industry in Australia has promoted efficiency, productivity and high-quality production of automobiles hence promoting global competitiveness and promoting energy efficient automobiles thus sustainability and environmental conservation(Lee,n.d)Also, diversification has been a product of government subsidy funding through the Australian Diversification program which has equipped automobile suppliers with an easy product transition. Noteworthy, the implementation of subsidies has prevented the collapse of some industries and dislocation of economic prospects in some industries (Janda,2013) Subsidies have maintained employment opportunities in industries which without the injection of subsidies would have closed permanently. In Australia, the mining and automotive industry is struggling and due to government intervention through subsidy packages has kept them afloat. Notably, the Australian government invested $5.4 b in sustaining the automobile industry since 2008. Effects of Solar and Wind Energy Subsidies. Globally, wind and solar energy methods are being adopted due to their environmental friendliness. Notably, in Australia, 42% of the total energy is through solar and wind energy.Predominantly,wind and solar subsidies have created employment opportunities for the unemployed in Australia. Further, government subsidies on solar and wind has encouraged private investors into the wind and solar energy industry(Loomborg,2015).Negatively, expansion of wind and solar facilities through easy availability of subsidies has made prices for power to be threefold expensive. The population ends up paying for power, subsidies for inefficient renewables and fossils fuels that are inefficient. Sustainability is one of the benefits of involving subsidies into the wind and solar energy because here investments is self-sustaining due to the present and future availability of solar and wind.Inevitably, wind and solar are current and future conditions that once s established will go away to conserve the environment and provide friendly energy supply. (Maehlum, 2014)Further, environment friendliness of solar and wind power energy has been expanded by government subsidies to providers of solar and wind power energy. Implementation of subsidies has enabled easy and affordable access to electricity by both rich and poor thereby promoting equity and redistribution of income through electricity charges. Standard electricity charges powered by solar and wind energy has proven the equality of charges despite the income disparities among Australian electricity consumers. However, transparency and accountability of subsidies allocation, distribution and are hardly attainable in most industries globally and Australia is no exception (Mineral Council of Australia, 2015)Also, the cost of subsidies in the electricity sector in Australia is borne by electricity users which is a burden to some electricity consumers due to income disparities. Notably, electrical surcharges are a cost transference from the government to consumers through electricity use. The government seeks to recover subsidy costs from electricity users in Australia. Significantly, most agricultural based subsidies in Australia are drought based. The seasonality of the subsidies has hampered agricultural quality and produce during most cycles of the year due to its centrality on drought times. Further, these seasonal subsidies are viewed as solely benefiting private individuals and spreading the losses socially.Also, reduced return variations are inevitable over a period of time. Notably, redistribution of national resources which are scarce is reduced to lower value use. Also, these seasonal subsidies have discouraged active future planning of the adverse conditions of nature thereby slowing agricultural adaptability. Arguably, agricultural subsidies are credited for reducing global prices for agricultural produce (Clay, 2013) Further, poverty and unfair profits between large and small scale farmers has been attributed to the high cost of subsidies in the United States of America. Moreover, subsidies are a disincentive for efficiency. Also, agricultural subsidies are overused through excessive use of fertilizers and chemicals thereby distorting the environment, food and national security (Clay, 2013)Inappropriate subsidy use results into inefficiency and unsustainability of the agricultural sector. Also, low economic growth can be affected by continued use of subsidies in agriculture. Sometimes, the abrupt unavailability of subsidies can hamper industry operations and individual firms in that industry (Valenzuela,2014)Notably, the Ford group in Australia is winding up its operations by 2017 thus translating to a loss of employment opportunities and revenue loss for the Australian government. Inevitably, subsidies contribute to market inefficiency and reduced welfare socially.Similarly, Toyota and Holden companies in Australia are contemplating closure in the eventuality that subsidies are not availed to then thus the assertion that lack of subsidies could prompt closure of some firms. Consequently, with the closure of automobile firms like Holden and Toyota then a substantial population of Australia are likely to lose their jobs(Kohler,2013)Subsequently, global automobile production is likely to reduce following the closure of global major car manufacturers. Despite the influx of subsidies, the automobile industry in Australia s future doesnt seem bright thus the assertion that subsidies are not always effective in boosting a collapsing industry (Kafla and Gollan,2012)Further, job opportunities in the manufacturing industry are decreasing as opposed to growing. Evidently, the automobile manufacturing industry in Australia is unlikely to sustain its operations without the subsidies thereby questioning the effectiveness of subsidies being injected into this sector(Kafla and Gallen,2012)Further ,some economists argue that the automotive sector in Australia shouldn't receive subsidies because it is considered expensive for tax payers and unlikely to revive the declining manufacturing sector(Australian Associated Press,2014)Subsidies ought to be replaced by economic and regulatory measures and policies. Subsidies are not always effective in solving industry problems. Positive effects of Subsidies Noteworthy, the European Union Agricultural policy boosted the farmers income. Notably, Common Agricultural Policy contributed 3b to the United Kingdom totaling to about 55% of its farmer's income. Thus the income rise of farmers due to subsidies being available under the European Union(Bloomberg,2016)Environmentally, most agricultural subsidies have made positive impacts(Cropsite,2015)Noteworthy, organic agriculture incentives have preserves soil fertility and promoted healthy produce, helped maintain fresh air quality and reduction in the volume of greenhouse gases thus promoting biodiversity. Significantly, financial incentives to farmers have promoted environmental conservation. Noteworthy, environment based incentives have caused an increase in bird population and low greenhouses gas emissions from the agriculture industry. Further, innovative incentives have progressed the research and development activities in agriculture. Also, income increase for farmers in most European countries has increased revenue for both government and farmer households(Godsen,2016)Notably, the Common Agricultural Policy offers financial aid to 12million farmers in the European territory. Significantly, the agricultural policy has increased global market prices for agricultural produce which translates into income revenue increase for farmers thus improving the economic living standards of farmers. Further, through the policy,There's been increase in production of agricultural produce thus meaning food security for most countries in the world, through import and exports(Godsen,2015)Also, the exit of Britain from the European Union has made subsidies injection to significantly drop hence some agri-based ventures have closed and unemployment opportunities reduced. In addition, a research and development capacity in the United Kingdom has greatly decreased due to the funding shortage from the common agricultural policy. Due to the impact of the common agricultural policy benefits the United kingdoms productivity and agricultural competitiveness will reduce due to the lack of substantial subsidies and incentives from the European Union membership regime(Krasniqi,2016)Further, high subsidies has distorted the global market thus causing hiked prices for agricultural produce. For instance, a Switzerland high subsidy by its government has made productivity levels to decrease and meat price hikes. However, Australia has low subsidies thus it has a sustainable agricultural industry. Following the exit of Britain from the European Union, farmers are likely to face tough times due to the possible discontinuance of the common Agricultural Policy(Bloomberg,2016)However, the United Kingdom government has committed to mitigating financial challenges of farmers following its falling out with the European Union. Availability of subsidies has been blamed for hampering agricultural production due to the fact that in the United kingdom subsidies and funds are allocated to each farmer according to what they produce which some view as a disincentive for encouraging further production but stagnating it. In addition, subsidies may not go along the way to boost the agricultural production in the case of unfavorable and unsustainable agricultural climates and land. Subsidies are likely to have a major impact in the case where agriculture has been adequately invested in terms of land, infrastructure, climate,storage facilities and available market. Further, subsidies offered due to membership such as Commonwealth or the European Union is likely to distort the stability of farmers dependent on those membership grants. For instance, farmers in Britain following the Brexit. Further, subsidies are considered a short-term solution to farming problems. Arguably, subsidies ought to boost agriculture where a farmer is adequately trained and skilled in agriculture, has the ability to handle environmental challenges and has the ability to adapt innovative and creative ways to deal with farming-related problems. However, most farmers are inadequately prepared to handle environmental and workplace challenges hence resulting into poor agricultural performance despite the subsidies availed to him or her. Eventually, agricultural productivity and mass and quality production requires farmers to have a certain skillset despite subsidies. Also, availability of subsidies has created overdependence by most farmers thus the challenge when economic terms are hard. Naturally, subsidies should be view as an aid to agriculture and not a dependent factor by farmers worldwide. Overdependence on subsidies has encouraged laziness, poor economic decisions by farmers thereby translating to low quality, low produce levels thereby discouraging growth and innovation of agriculture. Also, reduced income may result in cases where subsidies are withdrawn. For instance, Brexit exist may affect the Common Agricultural policy contribution to the United Kingdom farmers (Godsen, 2015) Subsequently, the unavailability of subsidies can lead to unemployment opportunities due to the closure of major automobile manufacturers dependent on subsidies. Notably, Ford Australia has laid off 44O workers following its winding up operations(Bolsworth,2012).Also, accessibility of subsidies to automobile firms has encouraged competitiveness due to research and development activities by individual firms in the industry. Usually, large-scale companies are likely to engage in research and development initiatives due to their large economies of scale and other merits. Similarly, through subsidies, smaller automobile firms have been able to engage in research and development activities thereby boosting efficiency and productivity. According to most economists, automobile subsidies does have many positive impacts instead it increases taxation burden for the citizens whereas its positive impacts are short lived. Further, some economists argue that subsidies in various industries are for political reasons and favorability thus uplifting certain industries at the expense of other industries (Kohler, 2012) Compensation for the automotive industry in the United Kingdom is an example of how costly compensation for subsidies can be. Following the Exit of Britain from the European Union, the government of the United Kingdom has to pay automobile industry due to the Brexit exportation tariffs. Noteworthy, the Nissan Motor automaker claims compensation before making any commitments to further investing in the United Kingdom through a compensation guarantee(Bergin,2016)According to Kevin Farnsworth an author on government subsidies, government subsidies to the automotive industry following the Brexit would be the most expensive in the history of the United Kingdom thereby increasing tax burden on citizens. Notably, the quantity of subsidy affects the pricing of commodities invested in thereby directly affecting consumers. According to the Guardian, the solar power capacity fell following the 65% budget cut(Vaughan,2016)Predominantly, the subsidy cut was motivated by the need to lessen cost burden on electricity consumers. The subsidy cut has discouraged further investment into the solar and wind market in the United Kingdom due to the less financial incentives available to new entrants into the industry. However, energy prices are consumer friendly. Positively, subsidy cuts have been able to reduce cost burdens on consumers of electricity(Mathiesen,2016)However, on and industry development point of view, subsidy cuts will slow down the growth of solar and wind energy in the United Kingdom. Further, unemployment opportunities have increased due to subsidy cuts which have limited the operation capacities for most solar and wind energy plants in Australia. Inevitably, the confidence of investors to venture into the solar and wind power energy industry is shaken by government subsidy cuts and deductions whereas the reverse is true. Remarkedly, solar and wind power subsidies have boosted the electricity supply thereby causing a drop in the energy prices.Undoubtedly,low energy prices are consumer pocket-friendly.Notably, power stations in the United Kingdom are offering their power for sale. Friendly energy prices are attributed to renewable sources of energy. However, less energy prices could in turn translate to low government revenue but on the bright side most of the United Kingdom population will have affordable access to basic power. Notably, the United Kingdom has 22 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity (Mathieson, 2016).Further, the expansion of the wind and a solar energy firm through subsidies has afforded job opportunities to a portion of United Kingdoms population. Subsequently, employment opportunities have been lost through the subsidy cuts and lost of investment capital and infrastructure belonging to investors rendered obsolete with the winding up of solar and wind energy firms in the United Kingdom (Kemp, 2015).Predominantly, this has been attributed to government percentage withdrawal of incentives. However, the United Kingdom intends to make its industry subsidy free by the year 2020.Also, green energy pricing levels have gone down since the year 2008.Positively, the windfarm construction in Cornwall has created job opportunities in Cornwall without any government subsidy. Further, the withdrawal of government subsidies has discouraged future prospects of investors into the United Kingdom economy with the mothballing of projects and company closures. Conclusion Undeniably, the implementation of subsidies in various sectors of the economy of Australia and the United Kingdom has had both negative and positive effects. Some of the impacts of subsidies are temporary or permanent. In some cases, the subsidies havent been able to revive the industry, especially the automotive sectors in both Australia and the United Kingdom. However, the financial assistance by the government to the solar and wind energy sectors has decreased thereby causing investment anxiety among new and existing investors. Further, the reduction of subsidies has led to the closure of some companies and abandoned underway infrastructure which isnt good for economic growth. Arguably, subsidies are beneficial and distortive to economic growth. Overdependence on subsidies has led to collapse and decline in some key industries in most economies. References Australian Associated Press.(2014)Car Industry subsidies should end, says productivity commission.The Guardian.[Online]Available at[Accessed 8 May 2017] Bergin, T.(2016)Brexit Subsidies for Automakers could top $1.24 Billion. 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